
Let Them Eat Bingo

Let Them Eat Bingo

Fatboy Slimとして今や一躍名を馳せたノーマン・クック大先生の主催した最初のバンドの1stです。ベースとブラックとヒッピーのハッピーな精神が凝縮されています。
やっぱり好きなのはM-5「For Spacious Lies 」です。

You can buy what money buys and call it brand
You can lie for sapcious lie for your own land
Democracy's just a word
It's often used and seldom heard
And freedom's just a song by one
But we pretend

You can call your TV prisets and be born again
The man with the tan got a hots on the seven pine bridge
The coffee's ghost won't help me now
As we struggle to our finest doubt
The army fights for money
But we fight for peace

As you walk burn out this place
And you'll find it so bright
Through any wind any rain
And you'll never put out the fine
Of the dream that will burn and die
